Customer Responsibility
It is your responsibility to ensure your packages do not contain any of the items on the above lists. In case of any doubt, please contact us prior to shipment and we'll be happy to help. You can get more information here.
The prohibited/restricted items listed below are classified as dangerous goods by most carriers. Therefore, we may not be able to ship them. It is your responsibility to make sure that the packages delivered to our warehouses DO NOT contain any of these items. If they do, your account may be terminated immediately. We may also refuse and/or destroy any such packages without prior notice.
The following items are not accepted for transport under any circumstances:
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
The following items are occasionally restricted by carriers, meaning your preferred carrier may not be able to ship them. Although we are able to ship them in most cases, surcharges may apply in addition to general shipping costs. If you have any questions, please contact us prior to shipment.
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
In addition to the 'All Warehouses' list
It is your responsibility to ensure your packages do not contain any of the items on the above lists. In case of any doubt, please contact us prior to shipment and we'll be happy to help. You can get more information here.
Dobrá zkušenost s firmou Tiptrans
Marek Mindl
Excellent prompt assisted purchase & shipping options.
april provincial
Zatím vše funguje jak má. Velice povedená služba.
Kamil Frýdl