Unlimited inbound packages Receive unlimited packages |
Free package photos (external) Including package overview and label |
Shipped packages Payable on every outbound package |
$5 |
$0 |
$0 |
Received package For receiving your package |
$5 (Hong Kong) $0 (China, DE, CZ, UK) |
$0 |
$0 |
Consolidation Payable on every consolidation order |
$5 |
$3 |
$1 |
Assisted purchase (online order)We do your online shopping for you |
$5 + 5% |
$5 + 5% |
$1 + 3% |
In-store shopping service We shop for you in person at a physical store |
$10 + $10/hour |
$10 + $10/hour |
$10 + $10/hour |
Search and buy Our shoppers track down and buy your product(s) |
$10 + 5% |
$10 + 5% |
$10 + 3% |
Returned packageFor returning a package to the seller |
$10 |
$5 |
$5 |
Extra tapeFor applying extra tape to strengthen your package |
$3 |
$1 |
$1 |
Package pick-up For delivering your package(s) to our warehouse |
$5 + Shipping cost to our warehouse |
$5 + Shipping cost to our warehouse |
$5 + Shipping cost to our warehouse |
Owner identification fee For contacting the shipper to provide identification details in cases where incomplete addresses or no product/sender name are given |
$2 |
$1 |
$1 |
Package content photos (internal) We provide you with 3 photos of your internal packaging |
$3 |
$2 |
$1 |
Package content inspectionWe open up your package to check the quality/function of your items |
$5 |
$5 |
$5 |
Express service Super-fast processing |
$2 |
$1 |
$0.5 |
Contact supplier For contacting a specific supplier |
$5 |
$5 |
$5 |
Check supplier Individual/company verification |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
Local payment For paying via our local bank account (conditions apply) |
$10 + 5% |
$10 + 5% |
$10 + 3% |
Collect on delivery When we pay for shipping on your inbound package |
$2 + 5% |
$1 + 5% |
$1 + 3% |
Repacking For poorly packed items or our Split Package service |
$5 + Packing material cost |
$3 + Packing material cost |
$1 + Packing material cost |
Remove invoices For removing all original invoices (external and internal) |
$2 |
$1 |
$0.5 |
Attach documents For affixing invoices/labels to your package(s) |
$4 |
$3 |
$2 |
Shrink package For reducing package size to save on shipping costs |
$5 |
$3 |
$1 |
Split package For splitting items into separate packages |
$5 |
$3 |
$0 |
Specific instructions For attending to specific instructions during consolidation or shipping |
$3 |
$2 |
$1 |
Destroy package For safe liquidation of all packaging including contents |
$2 |
$1 |
$1 |
Drop shipping When sending packages to your customers directly (conditions apply) |
N/A |
$2 |
$0 |
Other name(s) on package For receiving packages in another name (when your account is used by another person) |
$3 |
$2 |
$1 |
Customs assistance For assistance with customs clearance when importing to the Czech Republic and China |
$30 |
$20 |
$10 |
MailFor each item of mail received |
$10 |
$0 |
$0 |
Container/truck loading/pickupHandling fee |
$15 + $50/1CBM (35.31 cubic ft) |
$10 + $40/1CBM (35.31 cubic ft) |
$10 + $20/1CBM (35.31 cubic ft) |
Box size: Chinese warehouseWe measure box size by volume, e.g. a package measuring 40 x 40 x 40cm is the same as 80 x 40 x 20cm. We charge a storage fee (based on volume) for accepting packages when your box is full. |
0.06CBM (2.12 cubic ft) 40*40*40cm (16*16*16 in) |
0.6CBM (17.6 cubic ft) 1*1*0.6m (39*39*24 in) |
1CBM (35.31 cubic ft) 1*1*1m (39*39*39 in) |
Box size: Hong Kong warehouseWe measure box size by volume, e.g. a package measuring 40 x 40 x 40cm is the same as 80 x 40 x 20cm. We charge a storage fee (based on volume) for accepting packages when your box is full. |
0.06CBM (2.12 cubic ft) 40*40*40cm (16*16*16 in) |
0.2CBM (7 cubic ft) 100*50*40cm (39*20*16 in) |
0.2CBM (7 cubic ft) 100*50*40cm (39*20*16 in) |
Box size: Czech warehouseWe measure box size by volume, e.g. a package measuring 40 x 40 x 40cm is the same as 80 x 40 x 20cm. We charge a storage fee (based on volume) for accepting packages when your box is full. |
0.06CBM (2.12 cubic ft) 40*40*40cm (16*16*16 in) |
0.6CBM (17.6 cubic ft) 1*1*0.6m (39*39*24 in) |
1CBM (35.31 cubic ft) 1*1*1m (39*39*39 in) |
Box size: German warehouseWe measure box size by volume, e.g. a package measuring 40 x 40 x 40cm is the same as 80 x 40 x 20cm. We charge a storage fee (based on volume) for accepting packages when your box is full. |
0.06CBM (2.12 cubic ft) 40*40*40cm (16*16*16 in) |
0.6CBM (17.6 cubic ft) 1*1*0.6m (39*39*24 in) |
1CBM (35.31 cubic ft) 1*1*1m (39*39*39 in) |
Box size: UK warehouseWe measure box size by volume, e.g. a package measuring 40 x 40 x 40cm is the same as 80 x 40 x 20cm. We charge a storage fee (based on volume) for accepting packages when your box is full. |
0.06CBM (2.12 cubic ft) 40*40*40cm (16*16*16 in) |
0.2CBM (7 cubic ft) 100*50*40cm (39*20*16 in) |
0.4CBM (14 cubic ft) 100*100*40cm (39*40*16 in) |
Additional storage All packages stored for more than 30 days & all packages delivered to a full storage box are subject to storage fees (billed based on volume). We charge double the fee for storage at our Hong Kong warehouse, and if you store the package for over 60 days without any shipment in the last 30 days. |
$50/ 1 CBM (35 cubic ft) min. $2 |
$40/ 1 CBM (35 cubic ft) min. $1 |
$20/ 1 CBM (35 cubic ft) min. $0 |