Send package to USA

Send package to USA is easy. Enter package's data and we will show you shipping cost to USA. Then you can order shipment online and wait for the selected courier to come and pickup your package which will be safely delivered to USA.

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Comment réduire les frais de port ?

C'est simple - plus le colis sera léger et petit, moins vous paierez les frais d'expédition. N'oubliez pas qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement du poids du colis, mais que la taille globale est également très importante car tous les transporteurs express factureront en fonction d'une plus grande valeur du poids réel ou du poids volumétrique.

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Ce que nos clients pensent

Service to date has been excellent, quick replies, easy structure of the website and fast actions.

Christoph Aubel

Because you guys are very professional and ready to solve any kind of problems!

Roberto Silvestri

I have been really happy with Tiptrans' services:1. a.The website works well and looks clean and tidy, no IT bugs. b. The website seems to have been properly tested and any IT bugs present eliminated, unlike other providers of assisted purchase services. This matter might also be due to cultural factors and I am really grateful for the European origin of Tiptrans's owners.2. The shipping fees from China to the UK are reasonable and transparent, and I have never been charged any absurd amounts, in contrast to other providers of assisted purchase services.3. Account top ups through the Western Union work well, and it is not necessary to disclose one's credit card details.4. It is not difficult to contact the customer service people, by email and phone, and the customer service is helpful.To sum it all up, I am really happy !

Stephanie Helle-Singh